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Will marijuana legalised in India soon, survey results.

Within how many years, people of India think, marijuana will be legalized in the country. I ran a poll and here are the results.

Will marijuana legalised in India soon, survey results

More and more countries are legalizing the use of Marijuana & taking advantage of the medical benefits.

That makes me wonder, in a country like India where traditional values hold a lot of power, do people want to legalize a drug almost everyone is afraid of.

Tradition/values regarding this issue in India is in fact a contradiction. Because India have a rich old tradition & spirituality that that supports the use of marijuana but at the same time, new tradition have taken over, and it is forbidden and illegal.

I ran a poll on Koo app asking this question, Within how many years do you think marijuana will be legalized in India.

Koo for India was perfect for this poll because 90% of koo users are Indians.

82% of 343 voters believe marijuana Will be legalized in the future.

54% thinks this will happen within 10 years, while 28% expect within 20 years.


People that use koo app are mostly young people.

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Written on August 28, 2022
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