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Why is Kerala communist - Communism in Kerala

Communism in Kerala. Why does the communist party rule Kerala? How good is govt?

Why is Kerala communist - Communism in Kerala

Is everyone in Kerala member of Communist party?

This is a question I often get when people realize i am from Kerala.

Not everyone in the state of Kerala is a Communist.

Also, the world “communism”, “socialism” etc. have totally different meanings in the context of India/Kerala.

May be as this is a part of negative campaign, but I get it why people are afraid of the ideology.

So before we start, we need to set the definitions right. Communism in Kerala is not real communism. People across the world use the “communism and socialism” with different meanings in Mind. Meanings of these words are different in different countries.

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The reason why “Communist party of India” works in Kerala is because it is inside a better federal system of Govt.

There are many communists leaders that would love the basic dictatorship in China(just like that Canadian leader).

I will say that communist party in Kerala works similar to any other political party. As long as they don’t have absolute power it is going to be ok.

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Written on May 12, 2022
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Communism in Kerala


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