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How to choose a yoga mat - avoid common mistakes.

Discover everything you need to know about yoga mats. Easily choose from the top 5 Best-Selling yoga mat brands. Best materials, types, best brands & size options for you.

How to choose a yoga mat - avoid common mistakes.

In this post, we are going to answer the most frequently asked questions about yoga mats.

Reading this post will enable you to make the ‘best purchase decision on a yoga mat’.

Different types of yoga mats in India

There are many types of yoga mats. Differences in a yoga mat are based on sizes, material, thickness, grip, particular uses for example for Surya Namaskar, kosha yoga, etc.

Also, there is a difference in making. For example, some are best for beginners, some are best for thin people, others are made for heavier persons, also some mats are best for tile floor, others best for the rough floor.

Another interesting category of yoga mats is those with markings and alignments. These are very useful for maintaining the best posture without the help of anyone.

Best yoga mat for heavy people.

One of the major problems people face when it comes to a yoga mat is slipping. Well-made mats try their best to hold on to the floor. But depending on the floor type, it loses grip sometimes.

A slipping yoga mat is the last thing you need while practicing yoga.

This is worse in the case of heavy people. So you need to get a thicker and wider xl size mat With the best grip. Make sure to go for an anti-slip mat for sure.

Yoga mat for heavy/big person Curveit TPE Yoga Mat is one good yoga mat for a heavy person. Or anyone who wishes to have more real estate when doing yoga.

Curveit TPE Yoga Mat

Its width is 3 feet, which is double the size of normal mats. And also the length is 7 feet which is one foot longer than a regular mat. Thickness is also good to avoid skidding.

I know that you are at the beginning of the search for yoga mats, but also have a look at yoga hangers and holders. It is something people want.

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Best yoga mat for surya namaskar.

A product that I would recommend as a yoga mat for Surya namaskar is the Bamboo anti skit yoga mat.

yoga mat for surya namaskar

It is natural, premium quality, and looks great.

You can obviously do all other Yogasanas other than Surya Namaskaar on this mat. And it is totally anti-skid because of the rubber base. Plus you can wash it occasionally because it is made of natural materials.

Best yoga mat for beginners.

Beginners that are just starting with yoga, maybe at your home or gym can go with a more affordable option that is available below 500 rupees.

Yoga mat for beginners

These are made with thick & sturdy but foam-like materials like Ethylene Vinyl Acetate.

Yoga mat brands in India.

Detailed list and comparison of all yoga mat brands in India.

Fitness mantra, Amazon basics - amazon brand yoga mat, Boldfit, Flipkart Adrenex - Flipkart branded yoga mat, Yogarise, Yogaland, Fabssy, Aerolite, kobo, Nivia, kosha yoga - not just yoga mats this brand of kosha yoga offer complete yoga training accessories.

Yoga mat sizes explained.

Yoga mats are available in l, xl, XXL sizes. Also in double(width), extra-long, small, medium large extra large etc.

The most common yoga mat sizes are given below.

In feet - 4x6, 7x3, 7x4, 2.5x6

In centemeters - 63 x 183 Centimeters

182 x 61 x 1 Centimeters

182.9 x 61 x 0.6 Centimeters

74 x 24 x 0.5 inches

Material types.

Natural materials - cotton cloth material, bamboo material, rubber, jute, Artificial materials - Thermoplastic materials, polyurethane foam, Ethylene Vinyl Acetate(EVA)

Rubber mat thickness - how to choose.

Different thickness variations of yoga mat are as follows.

Below 3.0 mm - very thin. Usually made with rubber or very dense material. Not much grip if not made with rubber-rich material. Best for travel.

3.1 mm - 4.9 mm - comes in the low range of thickness. But best for traveling and storing. Make sure to buy a very good material type otherwise chance of getting damaged fast.

5.0 mm - 7.9 mm - Best in terms of the trade-off between mobility and durability. Most common thickness.

8.0 mm - 12.0 mm - Thicker than most of the yoga mats out there. You can use it as a general exercise mat also.

Above 12.1 mm - very thick. Difficult to store and carry around. But good for a permanent yoga room.

yoga mats vs exercise mats

There is not much difference between a yoga mat or an exercise mat. Some exercise mats are made with more thick material. Other than that there is not much difference.

You can use an exercise mat for yoga obviously and vice versa.

Yoga mat with strap

Yoga mat strap

Most of the mats come with a strap/holder. This is very useful to carry mats around. Make sure to buy one with a free strap because it will help not only to carry it but also while storing it.

yoga mats with markings / yoga mats with alignments

Yoga mat with markings also known as alignments

Some yoga mats come with markings/alignments. This will help you to maintain good posture while doing yoga. Following is an example of a yoga mat with markings.

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Written on September 18, 2021
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How to choose a yoga mat yoga mat sizes yoga mat types yoga mat top brands Yoga mat materials.


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